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Stranger Things

Zaczęty przez LelekPL, 27 Październik 2017, 15:43:11


Zaczynam ogl?da? drugi sezon. Po pierwszym odcinku domy?lam si?, ?e sko?cz? w jeden dzie?. ?wietne otwarcie, nawi?zuj?ce chyba do prologu Mrocznego Rycerza, i naprawd? interesuj?co rozwijaj?ce si? w?tki.

Poza "justice for Barb". Strasznie to by?a kijowa posta?. Nie rozumiem jej fenomenu w internecie, laska ci?gle tylko marudzi?a, ?e jej kole?anka pije alkohol i si? dobrze bawi.

Post Merge: 28 Pa?dziernik  2017, 02:37:58

Dla tych co uwielbiaj? czyta? po angielsku:

CytatWOW, Season 2 was better than Season 1!

Don't worry, NO spoilers!

I'll agree with some critics that episode 7 is a filler one, but I think it's there to set up some events for Season 3 or even further.

That opening of the season was intriguing (gave a Dark Knight prologue inspiration vibe), the first episode, Will's larger role and the finale were all fantastic. Almost all arcs have really been there to suit the story and gave the characters meaningful moments in this season. The Barb storyline sucked and was pointless, naturally, and the douchebag brother was only there for Steve to have an arc... even though he already had one, so I don't see the point of this guy, either. He was damn sexy, though, I'll give him that. Reminded me of Jason Patric in The Lost Boys.

Other than that, that was a phenomenal season. Steve, Hopper, Bob, Owens and Eleven were all the standout characters in the season.

But that Dustin scene at the end, I gotta admit, it made me cry. Such a great ending to that episode! I remember being that kid in the past. So nostalgic. Sad but great as well.

And my man, Mr Clarke, who once again is the unsung hero of the events (maybe less obviously this time around but his contribution is still noted).

I loved the homages to The Thing and The Exorcist, the advertized homages to Cameron, especially Aliens but also Terminator. Some Karate Kid in there as well. There was less of Spielberg this time around but that's fine, you can still feel his spirit overal with this series. Any other winks and nods that you've caught?

I'm sure I'll revisit it and Season 1 sometime in the future. I liked it after season 1 but now consider me to be on the hype train.

I'll give this season a solid 9/10

Leon Kennedy

Świetny serial!! Pierwszy sezon poszedł w dwa/trzy dni. Drugi zapowiada się na równie szybki!

Night_Wing [usunięty]

"Stranger Things" ?amie wszelkie serialowe schematy. Nowa rzecz  w cho?dzie cudownej klasyce. Lata 80-te, a tym razem konkretnie 1984r, jak to si? mówi: kupi?y mnie zupe?nie. Do fina?u fina?ów serialu zosta? mi jeden 9-ty odcinek. Jak na razie jest wprost bajecznie, je?li chodzi o sam? fabu?? serialu, wkomponowane do w?tków efekty specjalne czy sylwetki grupki m?odych zakochanych w komiksach i planszówkach typowych nerdów. No w?a?nie, jak tu nie uwielbia? takich sympatycznych mordek, jak Dustin, którego charakterystyczny zgryz, grube wargi i sposób wymowy s? a? tak geekowskie i niebywale ujmuj?ce.

Demogorgony w pierwszym sezonie, demopsy w drugim i ?upie?ca Umys?ów równie? w obecnym sezonie. Jedn? z najciekawszych rzeczy, która trapi? mnie b?dzie i b?dzie - o ile nie wyja?ni si? to w finale - jest to?samo??,  rola "Mad Max" i jej przyrodniego aka ,,sex, drugs, rock'n'roll" brata  oraz ostateczna ilo?? ,,ulepszonych" dzieci. Czy b?dzie wi?cej psjonicznych i innych mocy  ni? "008" i "011" ?