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Mad Max: Na drodze gniewu

Zaczęty przez Anonimowy Grzybiarz, 22 Maj 2015, 11:35:27

Anonimowy Grzybiarz

Prawdopodobnie najlepszy blockbuster roku zasługuje na osobny temat.

Max to postać kultowa i ciężko sobie wyobrazić w jego roli kogoś innego niż Mel Gibson (podobnie jest z Indianą Jonesem, choć Chris Pratt to najlepszy wybór – wybaczcie dygresję). Tom Hardy sprawdza się jednak doskonale jako australijski ex-glina – milczący, pozbawiony złudzeń i dręczony wyrzutami sumienia. Oszczędna mimika, powściągliwe gesty, ściszony głos, a z drugiej strony siła i szybkość, dzikość i niepohamowana brutalność w walce. To stary, dobry Max w zniszczonej, skórzanej kurtce.



Ja mo?e wrzuc? swoj?:
I liked it, didn't love it

It has some nice concepts and character designs. I was hoping for more tension, though and more practical effects. I was a little dissapointed with the action that started to bore me a little half-way through and I didn't expect so much CGI in the surrounding and the debris. At times it didn't even feel like they were on Earth. The action had some great stunts and some highly exaggerated ones that I just didn't care for. The cuts are quick but I'd prefer some more time to breath and soak in the cinematography. The music was fun, sometimes it really built up the tension, even though it doesn't have that one tune I would remember it for.

Immortal Joe had some nice designs, his soldiers looked menacing as heck. The opening was INCREDIBLE, filled with tension. The beginning of the chase after Furiosa was also great... but then it just kind of... stumbled through some long stretches.

Tom Hardy did his job efficiently, he had some nice moments. I still prefer Mel Gibson in the role but I can't say I disliked Tom (I had this moment of what would happen if Heath Ledger had played that role, though). Charlize is good and so is Hoult. Yet, these are no Oscar winning characters or performances. Everyone was just solid with, like I said earlier, some really cool character concepts thrown in the mix as well.

Maybe the 98% on Rotten Tomatoes raised my expectations too high. It's definitely in my top 5 of the year so far but I can't say it's a great film.

Ocena: 7/10


Bylem rowniez wczoraj na premierce iiiii...... jest ok :) Jako ze jestem mega fanem fallouta to mialem dosc duzy nerdgazm jak widzialem te wszystkie kreacje postaci, pojazdow, broni itp.. Fabula no coz hmm to nie o to chodzi w tym filmie :D Akcja, akcja i jeszcze raz akcja. Tego chcialem i to dostalem + swietna muzyka.

Ps : czy wy tez mieliscie lekkie ciary na poczatku filmu ? Nie wiem ale kurde jakos ten poczatek byl dla mnie tak klimatyczny i ZAJEB**** ze szok !


Początek był najlepszą częścią filmu... bez dwóch zdań... potem film nigdy nie dobił do tego samego poziomu, jakkolwiek by się nie starał


Widze ze sie rozumiemy w tej kwesti 100% :)

Poczatek +
Pierwsze pokozanie Cytadeli +
Scena kiedy Max w zelaznej masce z lancuchem bije sie z Furiosa +


?wietnie si? bawi?em na filmie. Napakowany akcj? od pocz?tku do samego ko?ca. To naprawd? by?a cholerna "droga gniewu". Charakteryzacja, kostiumy, design maszyn, pojazdów, ró?nych urz?dze? i praktycznie wszystkiego, bardzo dobrze si? prezentowa?o. Du?y plus za to. Te? jestem fanem Fallouta i naprawd? rewelacyjnie si? to ogl?da?o. Muzyka by?a ostra, podkre?laj?ca akcj?, dodawa?a mnóstwa emocji. Plus dla Junkie'go XL i nadzieja na dobry soundtrack w wiadomo jakim filmie ju? za jaki? czas.

Aktorsko faktycznie bez ?adnych oskarowych fajerwerków, ale solidnie i na dobrym poziomie. Role Hardye'go s? bardzo fajne. Zawsze potrafi wymy?li? co? interesuj?cego.

Film by? tak intensywnie poprowadzony, nie dawa? na chwil? odetchn?? i nie mia?bym pretensji gdyby sko?czy? si? gdzie? w okolicach spotkania

tych starych bab na motorach

ale akcja wci?? trwa?a i trwa?a. Super si? ogl?da?o.


Ja po dyskusji z koleg? lepiej okre?li?em to co mi si? nie podoba?o w filmie. Tutaj mam takie podsumowanie:

CytatI liked the action, didn't love it, by the half-way point I felt like I saw everything and it just kept going, it didn't add anything new later - no more character designs (that blind guy was the only new thing but he got taken out off-screen), no more creativity in the stunts. They blew their load too early imo.

There was also some 'conveniency' in the action setpieces as well - like how they immediately got in front of the cars by the end coming from an opposite direction. The lack of a barricade was conevnient but it was also a missed opportunity - it would have added a nice action setpiece, it would add so much TENSION... and instead we immediately jump into another car chase with exlpoding spears.

Or in the plot when in the end everybody just kind of accepted everything. Why weren't they just attacked or what happens when the rest of the army comes back to the Citadel... it didn't conclude the story. I don't really buy them feeling free of the tyrant since I never saw a hint of resentment towards him in them (other than Furiosa and the people closest to him). He was still worshipped and loved by his army as we see with Nux. As for Furiosa, she's one of the many Empresses, it's mentioned in the film. Not the 'next in line'. And she disobeyed Immortan - their leader and a god. It's quite obvious to those people she killed him... I don't know how they react, like they do, and especially how the other riders react when they come back

Also, for a movie that advertized itself as mostly practical there was a lot of obvious CGI. In my opinion it detracted from rather than added to the bleakness and gritiness of the Road Warrior name.

All of it added up to my biggest problem - I just didn't feel the tension during most of it. I LOVED the opening - that had incredible tension. I loved the beginning of the chase - that had tension. I also liked the stuck in mud sequence - it had tension... until the off-screen resolution.

As for Hardy, I didn't mind his accent in all of the 5 sentences he had on screen ;) I did feel his character development was weak and I didn't understand what was the deal with the young girl. I know it's supposed to be his kid... but he had a wife and an infant SON. Awkward change. I feel it's for coneveniency again - you can't have a deus ex machina infant that compels a character to make sudden changes in his decisions.

None of the character development was really great to be honest - Nux has an abrupt change of heart, the wives were awful. Furiosa was probably the best established character but it was mostly done through exposition.

I think I would be more open to these story blunders and conveniences if the action captivated me like it did you. I guess that's the biggest difference - I loved the beginning, probably the first half. It was a 9/10 at that moment. But it just felt repetetive after that for me and I started to see more flaws in it.

And remember, We ony foucsed on the cons here. I still gave it a 7.5/10 - it's still a GOOD film. There were some things that bothered me but there was still a lot of things to enjoy. I mentioned the character designs but there are also world building ideas like 'Aqua Cola', 'Valhalla', worshipping the 'V8', etc. But one thing I loved is the camerawork. Bloody fantastic stuff. I didn't like the editing so much but it's incredible how they were able to keep the picture steady in all those stunts. Incredible stuff.


Ci co widzieli film pewnie wiedzą o co chodzi ;)



Chodzi o to, że sami biali grali w Maxie?


Nie wiem, komiks nazywa się Mad Tyrone: Welfare Road :P może chodzi o to że czarni chcą ukraść białym ładunek KFC oraz sodę o smaku winogron?. A tak przy okazji to postać grana przez Charlize Theron jest dobra czy zła? No i czytałem że zrobili z niej feministkę. Z jednej strony chciałbym iść na ten film ale boję się że dostanę jakąś agitkę.


CytatA tak przy okazji to postać grana przez Charlize Theron jest dobra czy zła?

Jest zła. Tam wszyscy są źli.

Idź na film i się nie bój niczego.


Cytat: Funky w 28 Maj  2015, 01:45:45
Nie wiem, komiks nazywa się Mad Tyrone: Welfare Road :P może chodzi o to że czarni chcą ukraść białym ładunek KFC oraz sodę o smaku winogron?. A tak przy okazji to postać grana przez Charlize Theron jest dobra czy zła? No i czytałem że zrobili z niej feministkę. Z jednej strony chciałbym iść na ten film ale boję się że dostanę jakąś agitkę.
Idź spokojnie - na 2 godz. filmu jest z 15 min. dialogów - reszta to pościgi i wybuchy. Na kompie bym nie wytrzymał, ale byłem w kinie, to dałem radę. Z tym, że z doświadczenia wiem, że jedno piwo to jednak trochę za mało, żeby się dobrze bawić na tym filmie. Także już każdy musi sobie wyliczyć ile musi wypić, żeby to obejrzeć.

Anonimowy Grzybiarz

Gdyby komuś było mało Mad Maxa po 4 filmach, ten może szukać czegoś dla siebie w produkcjach fanowskich:



Zdecydowanie film roku (za nim na podium póki co Avengers AoU i Jurassic World) i wątpię, żeby to się miało zmienić. Trylogię z Melem zamiótł pod dywan.

9/10 (po powtórce pewnie będzie 10)
O filmach i komiksach na filmożercach.


Whaaaaat?  :o Z jednym się zgodzę - można go postawić obok Jurasic World  :P