
"Batman. Ziemia niczyja. Owoce ziemi. Tom 5" od 26 marca.

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Batman: Arkham Asylum

Zaczęty przez Firm, 15 Sierpień 2008, 01:42:55


Może nie masz service packów?Podobna sytuacja jest z Wiedźminem :)


Czyli mam taki bajerek ściągnąć kupić gdzieś, czy zostawić w cholere ;].
Codziennie nie wypada mój dzień, niezmiennie chce wyjść z mroku lecz mrok nie chce wyjść ze mnie...


Ściągnąć ze strony producenta. Tak najprościej.


Codziennie nie wypada mój dzień, niezmiennie chce wyjść z mroku lecz mrok nie chce wyjść ze mnie...


microsoft.com -> i tylko tam ;) Service packi z innych źródeł bywają częstą przyczyną spieprzonego XP'ka/Visty ;)
Posted on: 08 Sierpień  2009, 22:53:53

 Aha i mowa tu o uaktualnieniu do Windowsa,nie patchu do gry (choć z tym też spróbuj gdyby nie wyszło).


Cytat: kelen w 07 Sierpień  2009, 23:10:41
Moglbys podzielic sie ta trescia maila?
Oto adres e-mail, na którego wysłałem wiadomość i z którego przyszła odpowiedź: drwmaga@blackgateprison.com.
A poniżej przedstawiam pełną treść wiadomości:
To: You
From: Maga, Wendi
Subject: Re --- Blackgate Fire - Your Eyes Only

Thank you so much for your email. At this point, I don't know where else to turn, but I honestly believe that if enough of us join together, we can expose Quincy Sharp, Arkham Asylum, and whoever else is behind the Blackgate fire. Make no mistake. This fire was no accident. I don't have any hard evidence, but I have enough to know when something is wrong, and I know of a way we can bring the truth to light. But I need your help to do it. All I ask is that you don't share this information with anyone - I'm in enough trouble as it is. Please, hear me out.

My name is Wendi Maga. I am the resident psychiatrist at Blackgate Penitentiary. At least I was the resident psychiatrist until I was summarily dismissed. When Blackgate prisoners were being transferred to Arkham, I asked the warden what's going on. I sent an email to Quincy Sharp, asking if he would like me to coordinate patient histories with his staff. Suddenly, I'm fired. Budget cuts, they told me. I suppose they just happened to slash the budget after I started asking questions about the fire. 15 years I dedicated to that place. It was my life. I met my husband Peter there. My God, Peter, he suffered severe burns in the fire and is in a coma at Gotham General. But I do know that if Peter were with me now he would not allow this injustice to continue. Neither will I.

When the warden wouldn't listen to me, I went straight to the police. But some watch commander just jotted down a few notes while I talked, then said that he can't discuss the details of an ongoing investigation. They didn't even ask for my contact information. Honestly, I think the Gotham PD might be involved as well. This is why I need your help!

The warden has already told me I sound crazy. I am a logical, scientific doctor. I don't have evidence, but I have symptoms, symptoms of a conspiracy. As a doctor, symptoms are enough to act on even if we can't make a proper diagnosis. That is what we must do here, together. Consider this. First, only minutes after the fire alarm sounded, Blackgate inmates were being evacuated to Arkham. The firefighters were still unloading their hoses. It takes months to fix a pothole in this town, and yet these inmates are being shuttled away before the blaze is even out? No way.

Second, why Arkham? That is a mental hospital. Convicted felons have no place there. I know Quincy Sharp and the mayor will have you believe that Arkham is the safest place in the world for these prisoners, but there simply isn't enough room there. I'm sure the mayor and warden could have had the prisoners moved to another prison upstate. So the question remains: Why Arkham? Why would Sharp want to move a hundred violent criminals to his asylum?

I've heard things about Arkham, rumors of unethical medical testing and inhumane treatment of prisoners. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors in that place? Yet the mysterious circumstances around the Blackgate fire, the suspicious arrival of the Arkham security contingent in advance of the Gotham authorities, the transfer of our most dangerous prisoners to Arkham at a time when the Asylum itself is under such scrutiny. All of this is impossible to ignore!

Finally, there is one more thing that continues to stick in my mind. The day before the fire I saw Frank Boles, one of Arkham's guards, on the Blackgate grounds. He has visited the prison before, consulting on "security maintenance," whatever that is. I wouldn't be surprised if he was visiting a friend inside Blackgate -- he probably belongs in there with them, by the looks of him. But still, he had no business on the grounds that day. Why was Frank Boles at Blackgate the day before the fire?

So I started to look up information on Boles. Blackgate's online security is not that secure and I was able to log-on before my credentials were revoked a few days later. Luckily, I managed to download some confidential files, which I have uploaded to a personal FTP site at http://www.gothamcitydigital.com.

Login: drwmaga
Pass: peter68

One thing I found most interesting was CCTV footage of Arkham Asylum. It looks innocent enough, but in the middle of the clip, you can see that the security system identified Boles and his employee ID number. I bet if we go to the Arkham site and can log on to the secured back-end as Boles, I'm sure we'll uncover whatever dirty secrets they have hiding there.

Whatever is happening at Arkham, something is very wrong. I do know that there are several levels of security access at Arkham. If we can gain access to each level of security, we could spill Arkham's secrets, make Sharp take responsibility for whatever illegal experiments he has over there. And guess who has level one security access? Frank Boles. He's the first key.

Check the CCTV footage for yourself. I will continue to try and gain access to Arkham's files. I think that if I try to login, and you try to login, and the hundreds of others that want justice login, we can crack this system until Arkham's secrets are exposed.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of wrongdoing in Gotham City going unpunished. My husband is nearly dead. Blackgate is ruined. And Quincy Sharp and Arkham Asylum are in the middle of all of it. Please help me. I will be with you every step of the way.

Thank you,


Zapowiada się przekozacka gierka. Nie wiem jak wy ale ja stawię się po nią w MM : )

Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.




Po przemyśleniu, doszedłem do wniosku że jako Bat-Fan, MUSZĘ mieć wersję kolekcjonerską. Szkoda tylko że ów zestaw nie prezentuje się mniej więcej tak, jak kolekcjonerska Assassin's Creed 2. Statuetka Ezio świetnie tam wygląda, szkoda że nie doczekamy się takiej cudnej statuetki z Batmanem z Arkham Asylum. Ale cóż... muszę się usatysfakcjonować batarangiem :]


Śmiech Hamilla jest nieźle szalony. :)


A najlepsze kasztany znajdziesz na placu Pigal ( czy jak to się tam pisze ).
Codziennie nie wypada mój dzień, niezmiennie chce wyjść z mroku lecz mrok nie chce wyjść ze mnie...


Batcave będzie dostępny tylko dla posiadaczy PS3 hehehe nie dość, że Joker to jeszcze to, trochę zazdroszczę tym co mają PS3 teraz ;p


A właściwie o co chodzi z tym całym Batcave?