
"Batman: Ziemia Niczyja. Walka o Gotham. Tom 3" w sprzedaży od 29 maja.

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Zaczęty przez Leon Kennedy, 26 Marzec 2008, 15:09:07


 Pan i Pani Kiler

Kiedy jeste? m?od? blondynk? na wycieczce zagranicznej z rodzicami i w?a?nie zosta?a? porzucona przez ch?opaka, to lepiej przemy?l dwa razy z kim teraz zaczniesz si? spotyka?. Jen Kornfeldt (posta? grana przez Katherine Heigl) pope?ni?a spory b??d daj?c si? namówi? na randk? nowo poznanemu przystojniakowi o imieniu Spencer (Ashton Kutcher). Ten dla swojej nowej dziewczyny rzuca star? robot? i rozpoczyna zupe?nie nowe ?ycie. Jednak robota ta nie chce da? si? rzuci? i wraca do niego, mocno komplikuj?c jego nowy zwi?zek, w którym w?a?nie poprosi? o r?k? swoj? now? ukochan?. Ale tak bywa je?li jest si? zabójc? pracuj?cym niegdy? w tajnej, mi?dzynarodowej agencji.

Pomys? na komedi? ze spor? dawk? akcji by? musz? przyzna? naprawd? niez?y. Podobnie jak i widziane przeze mnie zwiastuny promuj?ce film. Jednak „Pan i Pani Kiler” okazuj? si? w gruncie rzeczy s?ab? komedi?. Spodziewa?em si? troch? bardziej kiczowatej wersji „Pan i Pani Smith”, ale otrzyma?em co? co w ogóle nie podchodzi pod kino akcji, a ?mieszne te? jako? nie jest. Wi?kszo?? gagów i dialogów, które mia?y sprawi?, ?e na mej twarzy pojawi si? u?miech by?y ju? zawarte w trailerze. Poza nimi niestety nic nie by?o zrobione tak, aby mog?o wyj?? na korzy?? filmu â€" szczególnie ma?o zaskakuj?ce zako?czenie i ca?a ta otoczka intrygi wokó? cz?onka rodziny g?ównej bohaterki.

No có?, re?yser Robert Luketic da? plam?, bo cho? reklamowa? smakowitego halibuta, to poda? widzowi przeterminowane ?ledzie, na które nikt nie mia? ochoty nawet patrze?, a na pewno nie ja. W?a?nie tak odebra?em tegoroczn? produkcj? „Pan i Pani Kiler” i cho? jest ona dla mnie minimalnie lepsza od konkurencyjnej komedii „Dorwa? by??” to i tak bardziej wola?bym ju? obejrze? który? raz jak?? starsz? komedi? ni? poleci? ten film znajomym.
Recenzja: Juby
Ocena: 3/10


Hmmm nie oglądam dużo komedii romantycznych, ale akurat "Dorwać Byłą" to był fajny film. Miał fajnych aktorów w rolach głównych, nie był zbyt mdły, całkiem zabawny do tego. Ode mnie 7/10 dla "Bounty Hunter".


Tutaj masz moją recenzję Dorwać byłą, a w skali 1-10 film oceniam na 2. :-\


Ok to nie s? filmy, które widzia?em ostatnio, ale zaleg?e recenzje:
Toy Story 3
Pixar, Pixar wherefore art thou Pixar? With a whole string of brilliant movies we thought they are bound for a bad movie at some point of time. But lately they even outdone themselves. First was Wall-E, a brilliant, almost silent love movie, then there was Up, an adventure movie but also a story about coming to terms with a significant loss. Toy Story 3 continues the trend of adult animation that reaches both kids and their parents. This time it is about growing up, but also about loyalty and friendship.

Words will not suffice how clever this movie is. It can be a morality tale for even the oldest of the oldest. It treats common topics in such way that it reaches your heart and plays it like a violin. I think I had a grander emotional journey than my 9 year old niece with whom I saw the movie. Of course only the name Pixar helps a lot while you watch their movies. Because you know that they like to go against the cliches, so when the toys are in peril you are not sure as to what exactly is going to happen next, even though it is a "kids movie". But the name Pixar also obliges. Is Toy Story 3 better than Wall-E and Up? I wouldn't go as far, since those two are true animated masterpieces, but it is basically on par and if you had asked me if it is better than TS one and two, I would have to say yes. It is definitely more mature and that already is saying a lot. Not only it is clever and witty, tragic AND comedic, it is also ingeniously written and has a great main plot. The Escape from Alcatraz-esque idea for a story is captivating in itself and makes for a truly action-packed venture.

The voice cast is back at it and never misses a beat. Tom Hanks, Tim Allen and co. are at their best. However it are the newcomers that make this movie that much more special. Both Michael Keaton and Ned Beatty seem to be having a blast in their roles. Keaton, the former Batman, goes back to his comedic roots and is hilarious in the role of a pretty boy-toy with masculine issues. Beatty on the other hand owns the role of the villain, being symphatetic or downright evil at any given moment. What is more impressive is that he has a lot of depth and you can even understand his troubled soul.

To sum up, I was amazed at how constantly great Pixar is, after seeing this one. Right now they are at the point were they made me believe that they can do no wrong! The cast and crew were able to create something magical with little to no flaws (I probably could do without the 3D) and evethough I was crying like a baby after I went out of the cinema I could not have felt more happy! Thank you!
Ocena: 9/10

The Town
This was a real surprise. I'm not saying this because I doubt Affleck's talent or I wasn't blown away by the trailer, I was, but the release date of this puppy didn't make me feel like this would be a true Oscar contender. However it should be.

And all the praise should go to the director, writer and main star. This is Affleck's baby all the way and it delivers just as much as his rookie film "Gone Baby Gone", which is one of my all-time favorites. Although not raising as many ethical questions, this is a great follow up, which truly justifies his talents. Previously known as the pretty boy hanging on Damon's shoulders, Ben finally found his comfort zone and who knows, maybe he will be his generations Clint Eastwood? It's high praise but he earned it this time. Not only is the movie written well - maybe not free from one or two cliches, but still it's really solid for a original screenplay with a captivating romance and inteligent dialogues - not only he directs it in a way that would make Michael Mann feel proud but also he nailed the part of a bank robber striving for more in his life.

Other actors did their job as well. Which is an understatement when talking about Jeremy Renner's performance. He's truly great in this and cements his status in Hollywood after a couple of years of nonexistence. Here he plays a hot-headed friend of Affleck's, but a friend nonetheless. Plus his Boston accent makes him sound like a star of old gangster movies, kinda cartoonish but also very cinematic in the good sense of the word. Other notables were the female roles of Rebecca Hall and Blake Lively. Especially Lively gave us a really strong performance that could one day boost her from TV star to leading lady category. I could also see a bit more of Pete Postlethwaite in this, cause he stole every scene he was in.

A part from some issues with the script, I had a blast with this. Set in reality it shows the hard life of blue collar workers and how desperate times call for desperate measures. You have Heat-like shoot-out's, a nice love story and more than solid acting all in one. Very good job, Ben.
Ocena: 8/10

The Social Network
David Fincher did it again. And this time with a story that seemed even less interesting than the last one he directed. If someone had told me, that a movie about facebook would be this good, I'd have told him to facefuck himself. But it already gained mine interest after I heard about Sorkin's script...

This is a great script, that is both a critique and an objective interpretation of what happened to the inventors of "The Facebook" and why did Zuckerberg get sued. Sorkin crafted great characters out of seemingly plain billioners and spoiled Harvard students but managed to reserve judgment on any of them. The viewer understands the motives of almost every character and can easily relate to any of them.

It wouldn't be this easy without a great cast but when I heard the casting news I thought that they got good actors at best. Jesse Eisenberg was a Cera clone who didn't seem to have a lot of range. He prooved me wrong, even though he didn't have to. The dorky shtick would have sufficed but Eisenberg brings a lot more emotions to the table. A part from seeing this always likeable peculiar tween I saw greed, hurt, disturbing egoism and sorrow. Definitely his best performance. But for me the highlight were the supporting roles played by Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer and yes, Justin Timberlake. Garfield played perhaps the only one dimensional character but managed to give it as much heart as possible, which is something he is more than capable of, as seen in 2007's Boy A. Yet, the real stand out is Armie Hammer. The would be Batman plays twins who sue both Zuckerberg and Garfield's Eduardo for stealing their idea for a social networking site. What seems like a typical villainous description is actually a lot more complicated. One of the twins is played as the straight up egocentric Harvard jock, who is set on to destroy Zuckerberg's raising empire. The other is more peacefull, trying to play this whole situation nice and ends up being the victim of Zuckerbeg's questionable moral code. These are quite opposite characters but Hammer adds this brotherly bond which makes them, both, one and separate. Timberlake up to this point was an okay actor but here he shines as a washed up internet sensation. Still you see signs of briliance interrupted by his downfall. Let's hope it's not an allegory of Timberlake's career with Yogi Bear on the horizon.

Although the real selling point for me was the name of the director. David Fincher who since Alien 3 hasn't made a bad movie delivers once again. After Seven and Fight Club he really didn't seem to have as great of a material as before but still managed to create these great movies. Zodiac was a beautifully done film, Benjamin Button would have been a gimmick if it wasn't for him and a movie about Facebook? Who would have thought that he could make such a compelling character out of a computer nerd. Definitely he needs to give some credit to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for one of the best scores of the year. Evoking the work of John Carpenter and Reznor's work on Seven and Fight Club, this is another masterpiece soundtrack we heard this year. The movie itself comes close to greatness.
Ocena: 8,5/10

Pozosta?e filmy, które widzia?em:
L' Instinct de mort - Vincent Cassel robi z t? rol? to co Depp powinien zrobi? w Wrogach Publicznych 7/10

Celda 211 - do?? przereklamowany hiszpa?ski film, zbyt du?o zbiegów okoliczno?ci wybi?o ten film z rytmu. Gdyby nie to, móg?by by? prawdziwy klasyk 6/10

Twilight Saga: Eclipse - dzia?o si? troch? wi?cej, a ni?eli w poprzednich cz??ciach, ale nadal jest to niezwykle p?ytka historia z dialogami, które napisa?a gosia andrzejewicz 3/10

Easy A - do?? przewidywalna, ale bardziej sympatyczna i ciep?a komedia romantyczna ni? 99% jej konkurentek. Przywo?uje cz?sto klasyki Johna Hughesa, ale rzeczywi?cie jest w duchu jego twórczo?ci. ?wietna Emma Stone i dodatkowe punkty za "Don't You Forget About Me" 6/10

Charlie St. Cloud - pozytywne zaskoczenie. Domy?lam si?, ?e wielu osobom wyda si? kiczowaty, bo z biegiem czasu taki si? staje, ale mnie ta historia urzek?a. Mo?e dlatego, ?e braterska relacja bardziej przypomina?a relacj? ojciec-syn, co zawsze mnie kupi i wzruszy. Zac Efron te? jest ca?kiem niez?y. Spory minus za zako?czenie... 5,5/10

Monsters - zawiod?em si? i to do?? mocno. Aktorzy mnie nie przekonali i wi?? mi?dzy g?ównymi bohaterami wydawa?a si? ma?o realna. Plus za ciekawe umieszczenie historii mi?osnej 4/10

Lost Boys 3 - po koszmarnej dwójce, jest to jaka? poprawa. Niewielka, ale zawsze. Plus natomiast za nabijanie si? ze Zmierzchu ;) i do?? ciep?e wspomnienie Corey'go Haima. 4/10

Four Lions - komedia o terrorystach planuj?cych zamach bombowych? o tak i to na prawd? ?mieszna. Na dodatek dopiero pod koniec zamienia si? w czarny humor, kiedy ju? zd??y?em polubi? g?ównych bohaterów. Szkoda tylko, ?e miejscami nierówny by?. 7/10

The Kids Are All Right - bardzo ciep?a historia niekonwencjonalnej rodziny. ?wietny Mark Ruffalo i panie Julianne Moore i Annette Benning. Aktorzy poci?gn?li ten film, ale i scenariusz jest pe?en niekonwencjonalnych zwrotów akcji. 7,5/10

The Other Guys - niez?a komedia, ale jak na kolaboracje McKay i Ferrell troch? za ma?o. Ale Wahlberg spisa? si? bardzo dobrze. 5,5/10

Machete - za ma?o z?a i za bardzo z?a w jednym. Pocz?tek filmu by? bardzo dobry, potem film straci? na absurdalno?ci jak równie? i na ogl?dalno?ci. koniec jednak by? ok. De Niro i Johnson sprawdzili si? ?wietni, pozostali (zw?aszcza Alba) nie bardzo. 5/10

Jonah Hex - spodziewa?em si? Wild Wild West 2 i dosta?em co? troch? lepszego, ale radz? ogl?da? tylko z takim nastawieniem. 4/10

The Killer Inside Me - bardzo dobry, cho? do?? niepokoj?cy film. Casey Affleck przywo?uje Christiana Bale'a w American Psycho, b?d?c tylko pow?ok? cz?owieka. Zako?czenie raczej nie na poziomie reszty, a szkoda 7,5/10

Animal Kingdom - ?wietna opowie?? gangsterska. Australijscy Ch?opcy z Ferajny, czy Infiltracja, tylko w zupe?nie innym stylu, ni? to robi Scorsese. Guy Pearce jako komisarz Gordon mnie troch? rozbawi?, ale to postacie takie jak Pope, czy Janine przykuwaj? uwag?. 8,5/10

Karate Kid - mi?e zaskoczenie, zarówno Jaden jak i Jackie Chan pokazali si? z dobrej strony, szczególnie ten drugi. 6/10

Prince of Persia - kolejne zaskoczenie. Spodziewa?em si? Mumii, a dosta?em jej mieszank? z Indian? Jonesem i wmieszan? krytyk? spo?eczn? sytuacji na bliskim wschodzie i wojny w Iraku. Jake posiada? wystarczaj?co du?o charyzmy w roli Dastana. Udany film przygodowy, jakich brakowa?o w ostatnim czasie 7/10

A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) - nie zbli?y? si? ani troch? do poziomu orygina?u, ale nie by? tak z?y jak my?la?em. Mogli zepsu? t? histori? jeszcze bardziej, a ?e tak si? nie sta?o to zas?uga Halleya. Ni jest mo?e Englundem, ale jako nie Freddy sprawdzi? by si? dobrze. Do tego kilka fajnych zabójstw i solidna pierwsza po?owa, pnieco przys?oni?y nadmiar CGI i nudn? druga po?ówk? 5/10

Paper Man - Jeff Daniels jakiego dawno nie widzia?em. Zabawny i pochmurny, ale nie wiem czemu bardzo ?atwo mog?em si? z nim uto?sami?. Ryan Reynolds natomiast jest rewelacyjny jako wy?niony bohater. Plus sympatyczna i zdolna Emma Stone. Szkoda, ?e momentami nudzi?. 6,5/10

Warto jeszcze zwróci? uwag? na dokumenty takie jak:
Fuel, Never Sleep Again, Capitalism: A Love Story, The Cove, Gasland
i zw?aszcza starszy, ale fenomenalny: Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father
Posted on: 29 Grudzie?  2010, 20:10:52


Alfred Hitchcock is rolling over his grave... with excitement. I believe that Buried is one of those movies Hitchcock would make if he was living today. Out of the ordinary, unconventional and sucking you right in.

Starting with complete darkness it compelled me right after the five minute mark. At first, the viewer needs time to get used to such a new experience, but after a while you feel right in the middle of the action, without any 3D or even any room for huge action scenes. We just need the eyes of the main character, as we see the world, the whole 85 by 25 by 25 inches of it, through them. But make no mistake, it is probably the hardest environment to make a movie in, both from the technical and storytelling standpoint. Probably most of the credit needs to go to the director Rodrigo Cortes and the lone star, Ryan Reynolds. Especially Reynolds had to sacrifice whole bunches of his hair, lying down in a coffin for hours of shooting, and probably some of his sanity to stay in such a fear inducing place. Cortes on the other hand had to watch the pacing of the movie, since there is a limit an average movie goer can stand watching darkness and hearing silence. To keep the viewers occupied he uses various techniques so that it never gets tiresome. Actually I would say that it is as much of a "cinema movie" as the big sci-fi spectacles.

When it comes to storytelling 90 minutes is a lot of time when watching just one person in the darkest of places but the movie never felt too long and it had me even more interested by the end. Again, most of the credit should go to Reynolds, who gave a performance of a life time. I had my doubts whether I want to watch Ryan all alone for such an extended period of time, since he never struck me as a great actor. He always had good comedic timing and nice charisma but he also played himself in most, if not all, of his movies and usually those were rather cheerfull incarnations. Here in this horrifying situation, he had the entire weight on his shoulders. If he had failed acting-wise, the movie would have been destroyed. Thankfully he did not and he rose to the occasion. There were some signs of Ryan being Ryan, but it really served the movie. Watching a man weeping and panicing would not have cut it. Instead we received a whole pallette of emotions. From desperation, to rare moments of laughter and hope. We were invested as much in the character as in the movie, simply because Paul Conroy was the movie. Of course he had some help from a solid script that made this movie the rollercoaster ride it was. Thanks to placing a telephone in the coffin we got some much needed interaction between people, that varied from loving relations to hatred to pure deception and apart from some extra thrills, that really did not need to happen and created a moment of absurdity, it was a great, captivating story.

Before I leave you, I must add that this movie might just be for everyone out there. Even the McG and Michael Bay fans get some shit blowing up, which is pretty amazing for a movie about a guy in a coffin. And as for the thrills? By the end of the movie my legs were shaking, my heart was pounding and I felt emotionally drained. A paraphrase of one of Daniel Plainview's famous lines is actually a good phrase to end the review - "emtional DRAINAGE! DRAINAGE, viewer, you boy".

The Way Back
The plot description seemed really interesting and the good buzz surrounding the movie made me want to pay for the ticket. What I got was a decently made flick about, not that compelling but surely brave, people. Good movie, nice acting and a lesson about Stalin's regime and Polish history. A lesson I, a Pole, really didn't need.

I haven't read anything on the web regarding historical (in)accuracies but the story is pretty amazing, even for a fictional one, I'm not even sure if the hobbits had to deal with such a struggle. However after watching it I felt it was made for citizens of Western Europe and America as a history lesson. It might be a great movie for all the people oblivious to Polish history but for us Poles and most of Eastern Europeans it seems rather useless. Every child knows about Stalin and Hitler and what they did in this region, we all know about both Germany's labour camps like Auschwitz and Russia's prisons. And to be honest the gulag in the movie looked much nicer than the real deal. Their living conditions didn't seem as harsh as in the pictures of a history book or in museums, or at least were not elaborated enough (working in the mine). The story of the prisoners lives (and deaths) were simplified to the point of extreme. What I think is the redeeming quality, it is the journey these people made. But not like in a typical road movie, the characters never really change, a part from Farrell's bizarre change of hearts, which occured without any implications of such. They don't seem to learned anything about themselves and only the viewers got to see what people are capable of when pushed to the extreme.

On the other hand I must admit, the acting was solid all-around. Jim Sturgess did a nice Polish-English accent, however he really struggled with Polish itself. But I have got to give it to him, for a foreigner it was not that bad, although Russian actors in the movie faired better. As for emotions he was the stand-out for me, being the most one-dimensional, do-gooder but with so much heart and compassion I got to like him quite a bit. Ed Harris did his best Ed Harris impression, as the stoic and calm American. For me its no Oscar performance. Colin Farrell played his Russian criminal with too much flair and way over the top. I guess I could blame it one the script, because I felt like a stereotypical Russian from start to finish. I do want to complement Saoirse Ronan though. The way she is going, she will the new Kate Winslet in just a couple of years. This was another performance way beyond the capabilities of actors of her age. I will be keeping my eye on Ms Ronan.

This is not one of Weir's best films. It felt too quick and too fast. The lives of the main protagonists came and went without much ado about it. Yet, where I found it less than informative and not that interesting, I understand there is a vast population unaware of the harshness of gulags and the obsticles Eastern European countries had to face during and after WW2. For me personally it is no more than a five, but it seems like a "direct-to-Academy" movie and I would not be surprised if someone gets something more out of the experience.

Leon Kennedy

Robin Hood. Nudny, przegadany film, w którym w gruncie rzeczy zabrakło Robina, a Crowe był prawie jak Gladiator. Byłoby lepiej gdyby trochę go skrócili i dodali jeszcze jedną fajną scenę akcji, a tak to wyszedł im średniak.


Uczen Czarnoksieznika 6/10

Spodziewalam sie dobrej zabawy,bo jeszcze w wakacje pamietam jak reklamowano te produkcje jako film lekki i przyjemny,w dodatku mozna obejrzec go do spolki z cala rodzinka lub nieznosnym rodzenstwem  :D
No to ok,mysle : "taki amerykanski Harry Potter,tylko mniej brutalny "
A tak naprawde okazal sie do bolu przewidywalny,no i Cage ciagle z ta sama mina i fatalna fryzura - O cudnej Bellucci sie nie wypowiem ,bo ledwo mignela mi na ekranie.
Ale na szczescie bylo pare zabawnych scen i tekstow,wiec ocena wyzej.
Na plus zasluguja rowniez efekty specjalne - ale to akurat norma w takiej produkcji, no i fajne czarne (?) charaktery - czyli  Horvath i Drake (a zwlaszcza on  ;D )

Leon Kennedy

Devil. dość intrygujacy i trzymajacy w napięciu od samego początku do samego końca i z przekazem na finale.

Karate Kid. trochę za bardzo przegadany i zdecydowanie za długi... Jednak już można zerknąc na przyszłą gwiazdę kina ;)


Ja ostatnio obejrza?em troche klasyki, czyli "Full Metal Jacket" Kubricka. ?wietny film o dehumanizacji cz?owieka, i chyba najlepiej zrobiony headshot jaki widzia?em w filmie (samobójstwo Pyle'a). Genialny film wojenny z ogromna dawka psychologii. No i niesamowita kreacja Lee Ermeya (sier?. Hartman) 9/10

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's a flyin' pirate ship!"
~ Lagerstein "Dreaded Skies"

Leon Kennedy

"Skyline" S?ysza?em opinie, ?e lepszy od Avatara ( który by? ?redni moim zdaniem ) i mieli racj?. W tym momencie uwa?am, ?e obok Dystrykta 9 jest to najlepsza opowie?? z kosmitami w tle. Sam "Skyline" jest bardzo ?adnie i zgrabnie zrealizowany, od samego pocz?tku intryguje, ale innowacji w nim tyle co we wspomnianym Avatarze, ale to ?adne zastrze?enie, bo na taki si? nie lansowa?, jak Avatar :P. Jeszcze tylko o naje?d?cach...: Pierwsi wygl?daj? troch? podobnie jak te m?twy z Matrixa, a drugie stworki to przero?ni?te potworki ala ten big boss z Dead Space'a. Oczywi?cie pozosta?a opcja na ewentualny sequel :)
Posted on: 12 Stycze?  2011, 13:16:13

 "127 godzin" Tak dobrego, wci?gaj?cego, trzymaj?cego w napi?ciu i ?wietnie zagranego ( Franco by? po prosty fantastycznie przekonuj?cy ) filmu si? nie spodziewa?em!! Ca?a ta historia by?a rewelacyjna i do tego prawdziwa! Ten film to kwintesencja kina, a nie badziewne historyjki bez fabu?y, ale z laseczkami i ?adnym rozpierduchami, które ch?tnie ogl?damy.


"Infilttracja" - po prostu polecam.
Jestem Jen. Najpierw chciałabym założyć panu te rękawiczki. Sondaże mówią, że wyborcy lubią palce.


The King Speech* - Sama historia nie powala i spodziewałem się że ukażą bardziej psychikę Króla. Ale Firth jako Jerzy VI to mistrzostwo świata (tak samo Pierce jako Logue) no i zawsze jest miło obejrzeć film gdzie ludzie byli elegancko ubrani (nie tak jak teraz)


Turysta - Pastisz filmów sensacyjnych i szpiegowskich który jednak mnie nie zachwycił. Liczyłem że pokażą coś bardziej oryginalnego a miałem wrażenie że wszystko to widziałem w innych filmach. Zaskakujące zakończenie i piękno Wenecji (i Angeliny ;) )


*Czy nasi tłumacze to naprawdę idioci? Chyba niestety tak bo lepiej przetłumaczyłby tytuł filmu człowiek z przeciętną znajomością Angielskiego.


Cytat: Funky w 12 Luty  2011, 14:42:21
*Czy nasi tłumacze to naprawdę idioci? Chyba niestety tak bo lepiej przetłumaczyłby tytuł filmu człowiek z przeciętną znajomością Angielskiego.
Tytuł "Jak zostać królem" jeszcze ujdzie, poza tym nie zawsze dosłowne tłumaczenie tytułu dobrze, bo i tak wszystko przebija polska kampania reklamowa, według której ten film jest komedią.
What was the point of all those push-ups if you can't even lift a bloody log?

Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war)


No niestety polska kampania reklamowa to skandal, tak to wygląda jakby reklamowali kolejną beznadziejną komedię romantyczną. A dobrym tytułem mogłoby być ''Przemowa Króla'' no ale tłumacze wiedzą swoje...


Skyline - ogl?da?em niedawno, i baardzo si? zawiod?em. Kolejny dowód na to ?e trailery k?ami?. Spodziewa?em si? dosy? (jak na tego rodzaju film) ciekawego kino, ale zamiast tego dosta?em kolejny napad obcych na USA (no a gdzie?by indziej?), s?abe aktorstwo i obcych wygl?daj?cych jak... za przeproszeniem, wielka, chodz?ca kupa gówna. Ca?o?? ogólnie przypomina?a mi fanfilm z dobrymi efektami specjalnymi. Jak mówi?em scenarzysta musia? by? chyba na prochach. Wielcy, po?eraj?cy mózgi (!) kosmici atakuj?cy ludzi niebieskim ?wiat?em. Pasjonuj?ce. Film jednak mia? dosy? dobre efekty specjalnie i par? niez?ych scen, dlatego ko?cowa ocena to 3/10.

Cytat: Leon Kennedy w 20 Styczeń  2011, 14:26:46
"Skyline" S?ysza?em opinie, ?e lepszy od Avatara ( który by? ?redni moim zdaniem ) i mieli racj?.
Mówimy o ?wietnym 'Avatarze' Camerona, czy innym filmie o tym samym tytule? O gustach si? nie dyskutuje, ale porównywanie tych dwóch filmów jest co najmniej ?mieszne ;)

Racja, tylko czeka? a? 'Króla' zaczn? reklamowa? sloganem 'Najlepsza komedia wszech czasów' :P

Sanctum 3D - po Cameronie spodziewa?em si? czego? lepszego, ale w ko?cu nie mo?na ca?y czas kr?ci? bardzo dobrych filmów. Sanctum takim filmem nie jest, nie jest te? jednak filmem s?abym. 3D jest tu dobrym posuni?ciem, naprawd? mo?na poczu? si? jak we wn?trzu tych jaski?, narasta uczucie klaustrofobii. Na pewno 75% widzów zawiod?o si?, my?l?c, ?e jak jest Cameron i 3D, od razu musi by? co? w stylu Avatara, lub spodziewali si? efektów wgniataj?cych w fotel. :P  Minusem jest s?abe jak dla mnie aktorstwo, dosy? ma?o przekonuj?ce, sceny dramatyczne by?y raczej groteskowe, no i stary jak ?wiat motyw ojciec-syn. Jednak?e przyznaje, jedna z ostatnich scen by?a jedn? z tych gdzie dramatyzm si? uda?. A muzyka... jaka muzyka? Podczas seansu s?ycha? by?o jakby tylko jeden utwór, cichy, spokojny, tyle. Film te? jest zbyt d?ugi,  po godzinie seansu zaczyna wia? nud? - widzowie zaczynaj? si? wierci?, poprawia? okulary, niektórzy patrzyli na zegarki czy teatralnie wzdychali. To tak jakby ogl?da? dwugodzinny dokument na NG :P Podsumowuj?c, film ?redni. 5/10

Green Hornet 3D - jak na film o superbohaterze by? wyj?tkowo nudny. 3D? Gdzie tu 3D, przepraszam? Po prostu sposób na wy?udzenie wi?cej kasy od widza. Po zwiastunach zapowiada?o si? na nawet dobr? komedi?, tym czasem by?y tylko 2-3 okazje do ?miechu. Natomiast jedna z pierwszych scen, z Jamesem Franco (!) i Christopherem Waltzem by?a naprawd? ?wietna! Gdyby ca?y film by? taki jak ona, by?o by dobrze. Aktorstwo na s?abiutkim poziomie, dialogi pora?ka, rola Diaz to jakie? nieporozumienie... Serth Rogen jako Hornet jest nijaki, zbytnio nie wzbudza sympatii, natomiast posta? Kato ratuje sytuacj?, w tej roli wypad? dosy? dobrze. Oczywi?cie najlepsi aktorzy dostali najmniej czasu na ekranie (Franco - 1 scena! Waltz - posta? epizodyczna...), ale co zrobi?, takie ?ycie. Je?li jeste?cie typowymi popcorno?ercami nie wymagaj?cymi nawet dobrej dosy? fabu?y, to id?cie na ten film. 4/10 (W Multikinie mia? kateogori? 'Krymina?/Thriller', od lat 15. Komentarz jest tu chyba zb?dny.)

Gulliver's Travells 3D - na film poszed?em tylko z powodu Jacka Blacka, i wiecie co, nawet si? nie zawiod?em. Ca?y efekt psuje jednak beznadziejny dubbing. Rozumiem, film dla dzieci, ale mogli da? chocia? dwie wersje. Wracaj?c do filmu, ogl?da si? go nawet przyjemnie, je?li wcze?niej wy??czy si? my?lenie. Fabu?a lekka, efekty dobre, Jack Black jak zwykle wypad? bardzo dobrze :) Bo szczerze mówi?c, gdyby Gullivera zagra? inny aktor, film straci?by swój urok, a moja ocena filmu znacznie by spad?a. Akcja oczywiscie przewidywalna, ale nie oczekiwa?em zbyt wiele . Polecam do obejrzenia w wolnej chwili. 6/10

TRON: Legacy - od razu mówi?, ?e cz??ci pierwszej nie ogl?da?em i w najbli?szym czasie si? na to nie zanosi. Na film poszed?em do IMAXu, bo skoro film fabu?? nie grzeszy, to trzeba nacieszy? si? chocia? efektami specjalnymi. Powiem tak - efekty kopi? dup?! Naprawd? czu?em si? jak bym by? w ?rodku akcji, od muzyki dr?a?a pod?oga, efekty 3D naprawd? robi? wra?enie, a przez praktycznie ca?y film leci ?wietna muzyka Daft Punk. Je?li wybieracie si? na ten film, to TYLKO do IMAXu. Ca?o?? przypomina dwugodzinn? gr? komputerow?. O fabule nie ma co si? rozpisywa?, film zrobiony jest tylko na potrzeby efektów specjalnych. W?tek ojciec-syn jest tu nijaki, zreszt? ten temat by? ju? wa?kowany w tak wielu filmach, ?e po prostu si? przejad?. Jednak?e oby?o si? bez w?tku mi?osnego, oraz tradycyjnego poca?unku na koniec, za co du?y plus. 6/10

It's a funny world we live in.

Leon Kennedy

CytatMówimy o ?wietnym 'Avatarze' Camerona, czy innym filmie o tym samym tytule? O gustach si? nie dyskutuje, ale porównywanie tych dwóch filmów jest co najmniej ?mieszne

Có? po Skyline spodziewa?em si? kolejnego ?adnego ataku obcych i to dosta?em. Avatar mia? by? rewolucyjny chyba pod ka?dym wzgl?dem i zosta?em chamsko ok?amany i do tego momentami nudzi?. A w porównania lubi? si? bawi?, jak ka?dy chyba ;). Chod? wiadomo, ?e tutaj ci??ko.

CytatWielcy, po?eraj?cy mózgi (!) kosmici atakuj?cy ludzi niebieskim ?wiat?em.

To pierwsze fakt idiotycznie pomy?lane.